Conflict in Marriage and Relationships is common…
Are you continuously having one of “those” arguments? You know, the kind that keeps sneaking up, exploding, and seems to have no specific cause. It starts small and spirals into something bigger. It takes on a life of its own. Soon, you are exhausted, hurt, and angry so you just give up and go away mad. You chose to put it behind you, but it comes around later and bites you again.
Couples often find that continued conflict drives them apart; no matter how much they love each other. Giving your heart to someone else is an essential part of being human. What happens when that special someone becomes the one who hurts your heart?
So many believe that the problem is the presence of conflict. That is far from the truth. Conflict is necessary in any relationship, if that relationship is to grow and have meaning. Absence of conflict is not the same thing as happiness. Absence of conflict is absence of growth. The problem is not conflict; it is lack of resolution to conflicts.
Marriage/Relationship Enhancement Coaching
Typically, recycled arguments comes from past hidden hurts; those hidden buttons that people press and set you off. You have buttons, your partner has buttons, and you will press them, intentionally or not.
Let us help you disconnect those buttons and stop the repetitive arguing. Using our Marriage/Partnership Enhancement Coaching model, couples find that the severity of the arguments stops quickly, followed by a new understanding of their partner’s needs and their own needs. This 8 week coaching process can free you a cycle of conflict you do not need to have.
Communication Skill Building
Reduce corrosive language by learning how to prevent the four common mistakes that take couples into a relationship death spiral.
When unhealthy or hostile communication is a continuous problem, couples are in danger of divorce or separation. Research has shown it is not the conflict that drives people into divorce, it is the damage that is done by corrosive communication styles. Using a well-researched and structured approach, our communication in relationship coaching will help you learn to fight fair.
Discover how your natural conflict style protects you, and how to reach your partner behind their walls of defense without causing more conflict. We do this through a research-backed set of communication and relationship assessments. Using your communication scorecard, you will then focus on what is not working for you, while celebrating and enhancing what is working. The result—reduced anger, less defensiveness during the course of daily conflicts in your relationship.