Dr Chuck Carrington, Ph.D, Ed.S. M.A. Senior Pastoral Counselor in Residence & Director of Training
From brokenness, we are made stronger
My view of counseling, coaching, and supervision is based on two truths that I have found consistent in my life:
♦ Everyone struggles to find their path in life, making mistakes at times, and growing in strength through adversity.
♦ Our past mistakes can be the most powerful learning opportunities if we choose to apply the lessons of failure to grow and do better.
From brokenness, we are made stronger. With this in mind, I like to help my clients to find their own potential and inner strength to move forward. I use a variety of techniques and tools to help my clients find the way forward in life. I believe that a counselor should become the counselor that a client needs, rather than to try and force a client to become what the counselor wants. In this way, I can align with my client, show them maximum understanding and respect, and journey with them towards a healthier more effective life–Dr Chuck
Dr. Chuck completed his doctoral degree in Counselor Education and Supervision at Old Dominion University. In addition, he holds degrees in Counseling (M.A.), Human Services Counseling (M.A.), and Organizational Leadership & Management (B.S.) from Regent University, as well as Bible college/seminary degrees in Christian Counseling (B.A.) and Theology M.A.), and post-doctoral studies in Educational Technologies and Online Learning. Dr. Chuck has published on Non-death loss and a counselor’s ability to treat clients, and Internet Gaming Addiction. His research areas focus on Ambiguous Loss, Foster Parent Competency and Retention, The Culture of Abuse in Impoverished Families and Communities, The Treatment of Internet Porn Addiction, and Betrayal Trauma in Spouses of Porn Addicts, Stopping Elder Abuse.
Dr. Chuck is Senior Pastoral Counselor and Christian Counselor, also specializing Life Coaching, Career Coaching, Couples and Relationship Enhancement Coaching, Strategic Parenting, and Co-parenting After Divorce.Chuck has made the strategic decision to work only as a Pastoral Counselor and Christian Minister in Human Services and Christian Life Coaching rather than seek a state license. This decision was made with much prayer after so much political constraint and bias has entered the field of counseling over the last 5 years. Christian counseling has a long and noble history, and Chuck feels that he cannot compromise his principles between extremist political affiliations in secular counseling, and the call of God he feels led to do Christian values based ministry. While this means he cant take your insurance, he has agreed to take no personal compensation for his counseling activities at VBCC. His clients pay what they can afford, on a sliding scale basis, which is in turn used to fund the general operations of the VBCC office. This helps keep access to Dr. Chuck purposefully affordable, to allow anyone the opportunity to have superior counseling with minimal cost, and allows VBCC to operate as a non-profit organization with exceptionally low rates.
- Ph.D. Counselor Education and Supervision, Old Dominion University
- Ed.S. Educational Leadership/Online Learning and Technologies, Regent University
- M.A. Comuunitiy Counseling, Regent University
- M.A. Human Services Counseling, Regent University
- B.S. Organizational Leadership and Management
Specialized Education & Training
Qualitative Research Cognate-Old Dominion University
- Qualitative Research in Education. (FOUN 814) 2013. Research Project: Grounded Theory, Foster Care Attrition.
- Advanced Qualitative Research (FOUN 815) 2014 Research Analysis: Content Analysis on Foster Parent Motivation
- Special Topics: Independent Study in Qualitative Research (FOUN 897) 2014. Case Study: Human Development and Online Living Through Gaming
- Case Study, Grounded Theory, and Phenomenological Research. (FOUN 864) 2015. Case Study: The Culture of Abuse in Poverty
Studies in Traumatology: Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University
- Treating Grief and Loss: Independent study. Regent University
- International Practicum in Trauma: Regent University Trauma Team, overseas deployment to Leon, Nicaragua
- National Incident Management System: FEMA Training
- Psychological First Aid:. Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Treating Sexual Trauma: Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Compassion Stress Management: Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Treating Traumatized Families: Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Disaster Stress & Trauma: Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD): Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Grief & Loss in Trauma: Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Treating Phobia and Anxiety with EMDR: Center for Trauma Studies, Regent University.
- Experiential Workshop in Gestalt Therapy and Awareness. Experiential Workshop with Dr. Ben Keyes & Dr. George Jefferson, Regent University.
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) – From Trauma to Addictions. Regent University, Human Services Counseling Workshop.,
University Teaching Experience
Old Dominion University: Graduate Courses Taught/Co-taught
- Counseling & Psychotherapeutic Techniques (COUN 633). Master’s in Counseling. Masters in Counseling, Traditional format with Dr. Garrett McAuliffe
- Advanced Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Techniques (COUN 634). Masters in Counseling. Instructor of Record
- Diversity Issues in Human Services (HMSV 346 / COUN 655/ COUN 848). Combined Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral Study Abroad. Managing online content for Dr. Garrett McAuliffe
- Social & Cultural Issues in Counseling (COUN 655). Master’s in Counseling. Asynchronous Distance Learning Black Board Format with Dr. Garrett McAuliffe
- Internship: Masters in Counseling (COUN668). Masters in Counseling Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Suzan Thompson
Old Dominion University: Undergraduate Courses Taught
- Interpersonal Skills in Human Services (HMSV 339). Bachelors in Human Services, Instructor of Record
- Career Development and Appraisal (HMSV 344). Bachelors in Human Services, Instructor of Record
- Human Services Methods (HMSV 343W). Bachelors in Human Services, Instructor of Record
- Diversity Issues in Human Services (HMSV 346). Bachelors in Human Services, Instructor of Record
- Program Development, Implementation, and Funding (HMSV 440W). Bachelors in Human Services, Instructor of Record
- Non-Profit Fundraising in Human Services (HMSV 441). Bachelors in Human Services, Instructor of Record
- Psycho-educational Groups (HMSV 444). Bachelors in Human Services, Instructor of Record
- Family Guidance (HMSV 491). Bachelors in Human Service.
Invited Lecturer: Regent University
- Understanding Loss in Your Clients: Invited Lecturer, Regent University, Residency for Masters of Human Services
- Navigating Intervention Domains with Clients: Invited Lecturer, Regent University, Residency for Masters of Human Services
- Coaching and Psychoeducational Groups: Career Opportunities for Human Services Professionals. Invited Lecturer, Regent University, Residency for Masters of Human Services
- Strategic Parenting. Invited Lecturer, Regent University, Residency for Masters of Human Services
Other Teaching & Supervision Experience
- Supervision of Master’s Students: Individual and triadic supervision of students in internship/practicum across seven semesters, as the University assigned individual supervisor, including mental health and school counseling students.
- Supervision of Practicum and Intern Students: Provided on-site supervision and coaching of master’s level counseling students for local private counseling center in Virginia Beach as Director of Training.
- University Training Group Facilitator: Facilitated seven 15-week T-groups (process focused training groups) including Bachelors (1 section), Master’s (5 sections), and Doctoral (1 section) level students in group or advanced group training.
- Academic Adviser: Provided counseling, directions, and academic/career planning services to bachelor level students in Human Services
- Assistant Coordinator of Clinical Services: Provided clinical coordination of Masters and Doctoral practicum and internship students, managed compliance documents, screened applications, supported the Clinical Coordinator in performance of her duties as required.
Professional Presentations & Invited Workshops:
- Respect Positive Behavior and Self-esteem and its Biblical Base with High School Freshman. Presented at John F. Kennedy High School in cooperation with Regent University Center for Trauma Studies & Open Eyes Ministries, Leon, Nicaragua. (July, 2011)
- Introduction to Trauma Group Training. Presented to Leon Police Department in cooperation with Regent University Center for Trauma Studies & Open Eyes Ministries, Leon, Nicaragua (July 2011)
- Addicted to Internet Gaming: A Case study. (Carrington & Carlisle). American Counseling Association Convention, March 2015
State & Local
- Human Growth and Development. Invited presentation for NCE, CPCE comprehensive examination preparation. Old Dominion University, March 2014
- The Essence of Group Work. Invited presentation for NCE, CPCE comprehensive examination preparation. Old Dominion University, March 2017
- Online Gaming Addiction and Child Identity Development. (Carrington & Carlisle). The Virginia School Counselors Association Conference, October 2015
- Ambiguous Loss: Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Unresolved Loss in Your Client. (Carrington & Bertolet). Virginia Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Graduate Student Conference, March 2015
- The Social Experience of Internet Gamers. (Carlisle & Carrington). Virginia Counseling Association Conference, November, 2014
- A Loss Like No Other. Invited presentation for Dr. Garrett McAuliffe, PhD. Old Dominion University. Masters in Counseling program
- Toxic Parenting, Invited speaker for The Mediation Center of Norfolk symposium on with Old Dominion University, the Human Services Department at ODU, and the Hampton Roads Parenting Education Network: Toxic Parents: Are the courts hurting or helping the children? November, 2014
- A Foster Child in the Classroom: Perspectives on Meeting Hidden Needs. The Virginia Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, March, 2014
- A Foster Child in the Classroom: Perspectives on Meeting Hidden Needs. The Virginia School Counselors Association Conference, March, 2014
- Professional Orientation and Ethics. Invited presentation for NCE, CPCE comprehensive examination preparation. Old Dominion University, March 2014
- The Essence of Group Work. Invited presentation for NCE, CPCE comprehensive examination preparation. Old Dominion University, March 2014
- Ambiguous Loss in Counselor Supervision. Presented at Old Dominion University to Doctoral students in Advanced Supervision, February, 2014
- Cooperative Parenting in the Face of Divorce: Mental Health Professionals as Advocates in Mitigating the Trauma Inflicted Upon Children of Divorce. Virginia Counseling Association Conference, November, 2013
- Coaching: A Emerging Profession. Presented at Old Dominion University to Doctoral students in Current Issues in Counseling
- Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in the Foster Care System: Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment. The Virginia Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, February 25, 2012
- Essentials of Strategic Parenting. 2012 Workshop 8 Week Series. Family’s First Institute (April-May, 2012)
- Generational Transmissions & Self-esteem. 2011 Workshop Series, Family’s First Institute (October-November, 2011).
- Institutional Workshops Taught & Other Teaching Experience
- Understanding & Treating Conflict in Relationships. Presented at Virginia Beach Coaching & Counseling to professionals, students, and the public. Virginia Beach, Virginia, October 2015.
- Ambiguous Loss: Understanding the Behavior of Foster Children in the Classroom. Presented to Virginia Beach Public Schools. School Counselor Training workshop by paid invitation. Virginia Beach, Virginia July, 2014
- Grief and Loss in Foster Children. Presented for Braley & Thompson Child Placement Agency, Chesapeake, Virginia, September, 2013
- Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Foster Care. Co-Presented for Braley & Thompson Child Placement Agency, July, 2013, Richmond, Virginia.
- Strategic Parenting of Foster Children. Presented at Braley & Thompson Child Placement Agency, Chesapeake, VA, (July, 2013)
- Managing Core Fears in Marriage Conflict Workshop. Workshop for Foundations Christian Counseling Services, Virginia Beach, Virginia, June, 2013
- Offense Cycles and Behavioral Issues in Offending Teens. Presented at Braley & Thompson Child Placement Agency, Chesapeake, VA, (June, 2013)
- Cycles of Attachment and Bonding. Presented at Braley & Thompson Child Placement Agency, Chesapeake, VA, (May, 2013)
- Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Foster Care. Presented at Braley & Thompson Child Placement Agency, Chesapeake, VA, (April, 2013)
- Character in Leadership Workshop. Leadership Development Workshop presented for Renaissance Community Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia, (August, 2012)
- Healthy Communication in Relationships. Foundations Christian Counseling, Virginia Beach, Virginia. (June, 2012)
- Compassion Fatigue and Burnout for Child Care Professionals. Staff training workshop, Chesapeake Christian Academy, Chesapeake, Virginia, (June, 2012)
- Compassion Fatigue in Foster Care: The Cost of Caring. Family Ties, Inc. Presented at Family Ties, Inc, Virginia Beach VA. (May 2011)
- Communication in Marriage. Foundations Christian Counseling, Virginia Beach VA. (June, 2011)
Professional Experience
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University, Department of Counseling and Human Services.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Old Dominion University, Department of Counseling and Human Services.
Academic Advisor, Career and Academic Resource Center, Old Dominion University, Department of Counseling and Human Services
Assistant Coordinator of Clinical Services, Old Dominion University, Department of Counsling and Human Services;
Counselor in Residence, Foundations Christian Counseling Services. Private Counseling Practice, Resident in Counseling, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Pastoral Counselor on Staff, Renaissance Community Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Director of Training & Development, Covenant Partners, LLC.
Executive Director. Christian Family Outreach Ministries -Non-profit social service organization, foster care, case management, placements services, and treatment.
Therapeutic Foster Parent, specializing in difficult to place teens and teen offenders.
Research Intrests:
- Trauma, Grierf and Loss Treatment in Betrayal Trauma and Marital Infedelity
- Ambiguous Loss and Trauma Focused-CBT: Reaching the Core of Pain in Foster Children.
- Deconstructing Paternalistic Leadership in Foster Family Care: A Feminist Approach to Foster Care. Carrington- manuscript under development.
- Unlocking the Secrets of Mission in Foster Parent Retention. Carrington – a qualitative pilot study in grounded theory- manuscript under development.
- The Effects of Poverty and Culture on Generational Child Abuse
- Online-Living: The Impacts of Internet Addiction and Cyber Living on Children and Young Adults
Publications & Manuscripts
- Carrington, C.P. (2016). A Counselor’s first encounter with non-death loss: A phenomenological case study on new counselor preparation and experience in working with non-death loss. (Dissertation). Norfolk, VA: Old Dominion University.
- Carlisle, K. L., & Carrington, C. P. (2015). The Social Experience of Internet Gamers: In Ideas and research you can use: In Ideas and research you can use: VISTAS 2015.
Psychoeducational & Therapy Groups
- Cooperative Parenting in the Face of Divorce: Psychoeducational Work Group for high-conflict parents in divorce, custody, or separation.
- Strategic Parenting Skills: Psychoeducational Skills Group for parents whose children display behavioral problems.
- Foster Parent Preparation Group: Psychoeducational Group for new or potential foster care providers.
- Non-Resident Parents of Divorce: Grief & Loss Oriented Psychoeducational & Process Group for non-custodial parents.
- Mindfulness in Depression: Relapse Prevention Psychoeducational Group for chronic sufferers of depression.
- Grief and Loss in Foster Care: Psychoeducational Skills & Process Group for foster care professionals.
- Overcoming Internet Pornography Addiction: Psycho-educational & Coaching group for men addicted to pornography and other forms of infidelity.
Scholastic Awards, Grants, Honors, & Activities:
- Outstanding Doctoral Researcher Award, Chi Sigma Iota: Omega Delta Chapter, 2015
- Outstanding Service-Internship Training, Families First Institute, 2015, 2016
- Outstanding Graduate, Regent University: School of Psychology and Counseling, Department of Human Services, May 7, 2010
- Research Grant, Virginia Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, (VACES): 2015 Student Development Research Award
- Chi Sigma Iota, Omega Delta Chapter, 2014-2015 Awards Chair
- Chi Sigma Iota, Omega Delta Chapter, Counseling Honorary. 2009-2017.
- Certified Traumatologist, 2011 Green Cross
- Field Traumatologist, 2010 Green Cross
- Compassion Fatigue Therapist, 2010 Green Cross
- Compassion Fatigue Educator, 2010 Green Cross